Montag, 22. April 2019

Elmina, Ghana

2019-04-21. Elmina Castle. 500 years history on the Gold Coast.

Elmina's great interest is her fortress Sao Jorge Da Mina (St. George's Castle).
The tour is guided and costs 40 Cedis per person. We can only recommend this visit because - it is quite rare in Africa - it is conducted very professionally and the site is very well maintained.

Elmina Castle

Entrance of Elmina Castle

The castle, perched on a rocky promontory that advances into the sea, was built in 1482. It is the oldest colonial building still well preserved in all of sub-Saharan Africa.
Built in 1482 by the Portuguese, it was the first trading post on the Gulf of Guinea. He later became one of the main centers of the black slave trade in Africa. The Dutch take the fortress to Portuguese in 1637 and continue of course the profitable slave trade. The entire Gold Coast passed under British rule in 1872, the fortress as well of course.

Inner cout

Most interesting of all, of course, is all about the sinister era of the slave trade. Up to 1000 slaves were stored here before being shipped to the Americas. 600 males and 400 females. We are shown the women's dungeon and the cells where they were parked and of course the famous wooden staircase that led directly to the governor's apartments because he used to choose in the lot to meet his needs. And woe to those who dared to refuse.

The women's dungeon
Stairway to the governor's appartment

Then we enter a narrow hallway to the No Return Room with its door that gave directly on the soon leaving boats, it is there that the selected slaves waited to be embarked for a trip without return.

Gate to the waiting room

No Return Gate

Another major point of interest of the fortress is the two dungeons to the right of the entrance. The first airy and relatively well lit by daylight was reserved for whites arrested for drunkenness or other offenses. The second without ventilation and without window was dedicated to the blacks, nobody never came out alive. The death's head adorning the top of the door leaves no doubt.

The two dungeons

After this very interesting visit we take a tour in the center of the small town directly to the east of the castle. We reach it by the old steel bridge on the mouth of the lagoon and which allows us to discover a nice view on the small fishing port.

The fishing port of Elmina

A busy street, Liverpool Street, leads us to the church in the historic center of the colonial city. Liverpool Street is lined with old colonial houses in addition or bad condition. It was here that prosperous merchants lived in the early 19th century, mostly mulatto or Dutch married to Elmina's women

Liverpool Street in Elmina

Dry fish in Liverpool street
Old colonial building


2 Kommentare:

  1. Keine Bilder mehr? Ist Deine Kamera kaputt?

    1. Doch doch! Neue Bilder kommen noch. Wir haben ein wenig viel zu tun letzte Zeit, weil wir von Accra nach Hause zurück geflogen sind. 6 Woche Heimaturlaub. Wir haben das Auto für das Langzeitparken vorbereitet (Grossputz, kleine und grossere Reparature, Kofferpacken ...), es hat 3 Tage in Anspruch genommen. Jetzt sind wir daheim und haben erstmal sehr viel zu erledigen.
      Aber versprochen!Es kommen bald neue und interessante Beiträge.
      Mitte Juni geht es mit der Reise weiter: Teil 2 = Ghana - Südafrika!
